Summer Holiday Activities Club

Dear Parent/Carer,

We have some fantastic news!  A holiday club will be running here over the summer holidays.  This is free to students receiving free school meals. Click on the flyer Telford- JF.

This is a fantastic opportunity so please get booked in, before it goes out to the wider public!

Kind regards

1N Newsletter 05.07.24

It was so lovely to see you all for last week’s picnic and sports day. We were so lucky with the weather and the children really enjoyed competing in all the different races. They did themselves proud.

On Monday we had transition time where the children spent the morning with Mrs Painter, their new Year 2 teacher. The children enjoyed reflecting on their year and discussing what they were looking forward to next year.

This week in Maths, the children have been learning about money and identifying different coins and notes and knowing their value.

They have been using their previous learning of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to find total amounts.

In our English this week we have been learning how to use a question mark  and identifying different question starters like, who, what, where, when and why.

In Science we have continued our learning about seasonal changes and looking at how many daylight hours there are in different seasons.

We have had a few children who have recently lost jumpers or cardigans. Please can you ensure their clothing is clearly named and check if your child may have possibly bought home someone else’s uniform.

I hope you have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Nicholls



1N Newsletter 21.06.24

This week the children have been working very hard within all of their lessons.

In our Literacy lessons the children have been sequencing the story of ‘The Runaway Iceberg’ and then made changes to the story to create their own. They have remembered lots of facts about the Antarctic and included some of the animals that live there in their own stories. We’ve been working very hard on our letter formation and using capital letters and full stops.

In Maths we have been learning about position and direction. Using vocabulary such as above, below, left , right, forwards, backwards to describe how something has moved. This is linked to the homework that has been set for this week and are things you can practice with your child at home.

In Science we have been looking at seasonal changes and how to spot signs of Summer. Luckily the sun has finally come out!

We have also begun to discuss how to keep safe in the summer months by applying sun cream, wearing sunglasses and drinking water to keep hydrated.

There will be tables out on Friday morning and at the end of the day with jumpers and cardigans that are in our lost property for KS1. Please take a look to see if any of these may belong to you. We do encourage to make sure that your child’s belongings are clearly named, especially in the warmer weather when they are taking them off .

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Nicholls

New books!

Dear Parents/ Carers,

A little while ago we held our annual book fair. From the books that were bought, our school gained reward points that we were able to spend on brand new books for the whole school. The children spent time in class, selecting the texts that they would like to read. A very exciting delivery came this week! Here is just a small selection.

Thank you to all of our families who have made this possible. We know the children are extremely excited to get reading!

Mrs Smith

(Reception Teacher and Reading Leader)



Sports Day- Friday 28th June 2024 – take two!

 Dear Parents and Carers,

We are again so excited to have you back in school for our EYFS, KS1 and KS2 Sports Day and Family picnic.


  • LKS2 (Year 3/4) 9.15am-10.30am (Gates open 9am)
  • UKS2 (Year 5/6) 10.45am-12.00pm
  • Reception & KS1(Year 1/2) – 1.30pm-2.45pm

 Enter: Gates by Main Reception (Reception and Year 2 entry and exit gates) PLEASE SIGN IN AND OUT

 All parents are to stay within the designated seating areas during the sporting events and should not attempt to cross the tracks to your child/ren.


In order to ensure safeguarding of our children, parents will not have access to the school building. Port-a-loos will be provided on site.

Behaviour Expectations

We are all here to celebrate all our wonder children’s sporting success and ask that you ensure that you are celebrating with each child as they follow our school vision at working at everything with all their heart. We would also kindly ask that any younger siblings are supervised at all times (avoiding running on tracks). 

Smoking and Vaping

Can we remind you that John Fletcher of Madeley is a smoke free zone, this incudes vaping. We politely ask that this happens off site, away from school grounds.

Fire Alarm

In the event that a fire bell should go off, please allow the adults to deal with the children in line with our Fire Safety Procedures. Assemble at the top end of the field, by the forest, in an orderly manner and await instructions from members of SLT. At no point should you attempt to enter the building.


Children are not allowed fizzy drinks or energy drinks.

Photographs and Phones

We have some vulnerable children who are strictly forbidden to have their photographs taken for child protection and other reasons.  No phones are allowed to be used in our school site, please.

Family Picnic

One of the highlights of our Sports Day is the opportunity for families to have a picnic on the school grounds together. All the pupils will join you on the field at 12:15pm and return to the class at 1pm to facilitate playtimes, registration and preparation for the afternoon events. At 1pm pupils will be brought in their classes to the areas and will return here at the end of the picnic.

Although we appreciate some parents may have children in various year groups, we are going to have designated areas that you can sit in to ensure that you have enough space for your picnic. This map should help.  You can choose the most appropriate place for your family group, if you have more than one child.

We look forward to seeing you all on Friday 28th June.


Best wishes,

Miss Azzopardi

PE Lead

1N Newsletter 24.05.24

The children really enjoyed their visit from Olympian Rebekah Green who came to school to tell everybody about Freestyle Kayaking. She showed us some clips of her on the water and as you can imagine the children were very impressed by all the flips and tricks she did.

In Science this week we have been learning about evergreen and deciduous trees. The children could name and sort some the trees and drew their leaves.

In Maths we have been learning about fractions and finding half of a shape and quantity.

The children will be bringing home a sheet with QR codes for the different sounds they can practise over half term. Please can you ensure they take a look at these and read as much as they can over the holiday. They will still be earning lots of class dojos!

I hope you all have a wonderful week and I look forward to seeing the children back in school on Tuesday 4th June.

Mrs Nicholls

1N Newsletter 17.05.24

The children have been working really hard this week.

In RE the children have been learning about the 5 pillars of Islam. They have enjoyed learning and talking about different faiths and how people may worship in different ways.


In PSHE we have been talking about friendship and people who are special to us. We spoke about different times when we may have needed a friend or when we may have been a good friend to others. This also linked in to our class worships where the children have been reminded about how we keep safe in school and who they can talk to if they have something troubling them.

In Maths we have been learning how to make and share equal groups and how to make an array. The children have identified what a row and a column is and used efficient ways to count. For example recognising when to count in 2s, 5s and 10s.


In Science we have been discussing healthy and unhealthy plants and what they need to grow.

This week there will be an exciting opportunity for the children to meet an Olympian. They will be coming into school on Wednesday to do a short fitness circuit with each class. A few weeks ago, sponsor forms were handed out with the children, so please ensure if these have been completed that they return to the office.

As the weather is getting warmer, please can you ensure that children are bringing a water bottle.



Mrs Nicholls

Read Write Inc Videos – 17.05.2024

Dear Year 1 and 2 parents,

The children have really been working with all of their hearts with their phonics learning this half term. All children will be reassessed over the coming week and class teachers shall inform you of their progress. Please check their reading logs for any updates!

To further support your child in preparation for the upcoming phonics screening check, please scan the QR code to watch the corresponding video.

RWI QR codes

Your child’s teacher will send home a paper copy of this, over the next week. They will highlight any particular digraph or trigraph your child needs further support with.

Please find further information below:

PSC Parent Handout 2023

PSC Parent Meeting 2023


Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Smith

(Reception Teacher and Reading Leader)

1N Newsletter 10.05.24

What a lovely week we’ve had. The sun has finally come out.

On Tuesday we had a lovely surprise from a local theatre company, who came to perform The Jungle Book to the school. The children really enjoyed watching the different characters and listening to the different songs.

This lovely weather has meant that we’ve noticed lots of changes in our seeds. We have made observations of new shoots and leaves and made sure they have enough water.

We have had a busy week of learning. In our Geography this week, we have been learning about Australia. The children have done a fantastic job remembering the 7 continents and this week have have been using a compass diagram and a map to locate different oceans and continents near to Australia. The children enjoyed learning about the animals that live there and listening to the sounds of a didgeridoo.

In our Maths we have been learning how to recognise and add equal groups and continuing to practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Nicholls


1N Newsletter 03.05.24

The children have finally won the ‘Golden Lunchbox’ and we enjoyed the special treats this afternoon. The children had worked as a team to earn as many pop poms as they could. Well done 1N!

Everyone has been working really hard this week, especially in preparation for their phonics screening. We have been looking at lots of alien words and playing lots of phonics games.

Please use the links below to watch and do with your child at home.

Please check your child’s homework folder as they have been given some alien words sheets to read with you at home.

In Maths we have been learning to count on in steps of 2, 5 and 10. They are doing really well and this is their homework for this week.

The children have really enjoyed watching their seeds grow and making observations as part of their science work.

Have a lovely bank holiday weekend.

Mrs Nicholls

Spare Clothes

Dear Parents,

As you know, accidents can happen unexpectedly, especially among our younger children during the school day and there are times when a spare change of clothing becomes necessary.

With this in mind, we kindly request your support in donating spare underwear, socks, pants, tights, shorts, and trousers. If you can donate any plastic carrier bags that we can put wet/soiled clothing in, we would really appreciate it.

These items would greatly assist us in promptly addressing any accidents that may occur, allowing our children to quickly return to their daily activities without discomfort or embarrassment.

Please note that at this time, we are specifically seeking donations of spare clothing items listed above. While we appreciate any offers of assistance, we currently do not require donations of school jumpers/cardigans/hoodies and t-shirts.

If you can contribute, please drop off your donations at the school office during school hours.

If your child is prone to accidents, we ask that they always have a spare change of clothing available in their school bags.

Thankyou in advance

A Gentle Reminder

Dear Families,

We wanted to send a gentle reminder about the importance of labelling your child’s jumpers, cardigans, bags and coats with their names clearly written.

It is very easy for items of clothing to get mixed up or misplaced at school. By labelling your child’s clothing, you not only help us to keep track of their belongings but also make it easier to return any lost items promptly.

We kindly request that you take a moment to check your child’s clothing and ensure that their jumpers, cardigans, and coats are clearly labelled with their name.

Additionally, if you suspect that your child may have accidentally brought home the wrong item of clothing, we kindly ask that you return it to the school at your earliest convenience. This will allow us to reunite the misplaced item with its rightful owner promptly.


The John Fletcher of Madeley Primary School Team


We are currently in need of old adult size t-shirts that can be repurposed for use in our art lessons. These t-shirts will be worn over the children’s school uniform, ensuring that they remain clean and protected during hands-on art activities.

If you have any old adult size t-shirts that you could spare, we kindly request that you consider donating them to our school. Donations can be dropped off at the main school office


Music Heroes

We had a blast performing to the children and staff of John Fletcher Primary School as part of the “live experiences” tour of Shropshire schools. I am delighted to announce that the Music Heroes Instrumental tutors will be offering piano guitar, ukulele and drums to the children of the school (all subject to sufficient numbers).

Music Heroes is an instrumental tuition service providing tuition to children in schools in Shropshire, Telford and Powys. Our ethos is to provide affordable tuition in a contemporary and fun style; teaching the songs that our students want to play whether that be something by Ed Sheeran, Queen or Billie Eilish or their favourite theme tune! Learning an instrument is much more fun when you love the music you’re playing!! We can also prepare our students for Rock School Graded exams, if that is something they would like to do…but no pressure!

The Music Heroes tutors are experienced musicians, performers and singer/songwriters. Please have a look at our website; if you want to find out more about each of us. Music Heroes was founded and is managed by me, Gayle Kinsey in partnership with Dave Sylva. School provide the place, and we take care of everything else. All communications (including invoicing) is direct between Music Heroes and parent/student. Invoices are sent out via email at the beginning of each half term. We are passionate about instrumental tuition being affordable, so we won’t be beaten on
price for one to one tuition. Lessons are £9.99 for 20 minutes.

We are pleased to offer every child that is interested a free taster lesson. If you would like to sign up for this, please email Gayle directly and we will let you know when that will be as soon as possible.

Many thanks.


Gayle Kinsey

Music Heroes

Music Heroes HQ
No7 The Dana


1N Newsletter 19.04

This week the children have enjoyed using a range of measuring equipment to investigate and make comparisons about the mass and capacity of objects and containers. The children have been consolidating their learning by finding objects that are heavier and lighter and comparing the volume of different containers.

Maths Homework


Week 2 Year 1 25.04.23 Spellings

In Science this week we have been learning the names of the different parts of a plant and identifying which type of plants we are able to eat. The children enjoyed sorting these into veg and fruit groups.

In Geography the children have been learning about the continents and naming them on a world map.

In our class worships this week we have been talking about our school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe and recapping the PANTS assembly. We then used this as a discussion point for what we understand as appropriate behaviour. The children have been working extremely hard this week to try and get as many pom poms as they can and lots of them are approaching the 200 dojo milestone, whereupon they can win the golden ticket  and come to school in their own clothes.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Nicholls